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Saturday 7 January 2012

Getting Pregnant - How to Increase Your Chances

Getting pregnant isn't always as easy as it seems like it should be. If you are hoping to get pregnant and have not had any luck so far, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances.
Getting pregnant begins with the basics of your health. In general, you should be doing things that cause good health and not doing things that hurt your health.
Eat right - eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.
Maintain a healthy weight - either being too underweight or overweight can reduce your chances of conception.
Get plenty of exercise and be active - It is beneficial for your health in both trying to get pregnant and for the long term that you get regular exercise. Your goal should be 'healthy, regular activity'. Once again, extremes can work against you... either too much or too little exercise can hinder your chances of getting pregnant.
Don't drink alcohol if you are trying to get pregnant and don't smoke. Both activities make it harder to get pregnant and have physiological changes that are not beneficial.
Taking prenatal vitamins can help your body have the optimal conditions for achieving pregnancy and this is a very easy way to help yourself.
Perhaps this next item goes without saying, but have sex frequently.
It is also important to know when you are most able to get pregnant by understanding your reproductive cycle. If you know when you are most capable of getting pregnant you increase your chances of conception.
You can predict the days when you are most likely to get pregnant by predicting your ovulation. How do you do that?
First, note down the day when your period first begins. Then, keep track of how long your period lasts. Since your period is the beginning of your reproductive cycle and ovulation (releasing your egg) begins roughly half way through it, you will be able to figure out at what point you are most likely to get pregnant.
If you have a cycle that is 30 days, for example, then you can count 15 days from the start of your period and know that that is most likely your peak time to get pregnant.
There are a few other ways to know when you are about to ovulate, too.
Often, you can look for any changes in what is called 'cervical mucus'. Just before ovulation you may notice some clear, slippery secretions. This often happens just prior to releasing the egg and you can use this as an indicator. However, just after, the discharge becomes cloudy and sticky or may just disappear. At this point is may be too late in the cycle.
One final way of predicting when you are most fertile is by taking your basal body temperature.
The basal body temperature is nothing more than getting your temperature when you are completely at rest... usually in the morning when you first wake up.
If you take your temperature then for several months on a daily basis, you may be able to notice when your basal body temperature begins to rise slightly. This is when you are most fertile, but be accurate since the rise in temperature is slight and is usually within one degree.
Also, you will need a special thermometer specifically made for taking basal body temperatures. They are easily found in most pharmacies.
Getting pregnant can seem like the hardest thing in the world if you´re trying but having trouble. Mary Stewart understands many of the reproductive issues that affect women. Read more at

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