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Saturday 14 January 2012

How to Make Money Fast and Easy - Using the Internet to Boost your Bank Account

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that anybody can make money fast and easy using online methods. The bad news is that you have to learn how to make money fast and easy using online methods! A plumber could solve a troublesome boiler inside a couple of minutes...but first he had to learn how to do it.
However, there is more good news. Unlike a plumber, you don't have to take an expensive course for a couple of years to learn how to turn cash on the internet. In fact, you can see your first pay checks roll in within a week or two if you're really determined to learn fast. Although learning methods is essential, it is imperative that you then take action.
Personally I would recommend that you make a small investment to learn from an established "internet marketing university". Sometimes a subscription to such a site can cost as little as $10 a month, and it is a hugely worthwhile investment and can cut your learning time by a matter of months. Just ensure that any site you join is vouched for by a significant number of fellow internet marketers, and that it is "newbie-friendly".
Here are two methods used by myself to make money easily:
If you have some cash to invest...
Google Adwords is a terrific tool to use to make super-fast cash. If you run a Google search for almost any term imaginable, then you will find a selection of sponsored links on the right-hand side of the page. This is Google Adwords at work.
Basically, you can put your advert up there for certain keyword terms that your average Joe might type in (e.g. if you are promoting an ebook about weight loss, you might target the keyword "fat loss"). Every time your advert gets clicked by an intrigued visitor, you pay a certain amount of money to Google. The idea is that you make more from your commissions than you expend in click costs. So if you were paying 25 cents per click on your advert, and you let it run for 400 clicks, then you would have spent $100. Now, let's say that the product you were promoting in your campaign gave you a commission of $30 per sale. You would have to make at least 4 sales from those 400 clicks in order to turn a profit.
Adwords really is that simple in principle. But it can be a nuanced art. Although you only have three lines to write on each advert, what you write is the difference between getting clicks or not. You also have to ensure you pick a product with a good sales page to guarantee that at least some of your visitors will be magnetised enough to buy from the merchant. Then there are other considerations such as Google's quality score and endeavouring for a high click-thru rate.
Adwords isn't an option to be treated lightly, and it does require some upfront tutelage and investment, but the rewards it reaps can be massive. A standard success rate could be perceived as 100% return on your investment, so do the maths. If you could get back $2 for every $1 you spent, I'm sure you would be investigating how much you could afford to invest. Adwords is the fastest way to make cash online, without question.
If you have no cash to invest...
There are plenty of economical ways to make fast and easy cash online. One of these is using free methods of affiliate marketing.
For example, you could set up a blog -- which is free -- on a niche subject which is related to the product you wish to promote. Then do some research on Google -- which is free -- and start filling your blog with some good, useful posts. You can then monetise your blog using Google Adsense and your main affiliate link -- both of which are free.
You could then drive traffic by submitting quality articles to directories -- also free -- and including the address of your blog in the author resource box. You can also drive traffic by posting in forums related to your product's niche and including the blog address in your profile signature, so it shows up every time you make a post. Or you could set up a MySpace account, join related groups, and add as many friends as possible, subsequently exposing them all to your main blog.
There are many more ways in which you can drive free traffic. Sometimes it simply requires thinking outside of the box. You could post on free classified sites, stick up your blog address on a sign in the back of your car, write a free report and sell it on eBay for a cent with full resale rights etc. Just think about ways in which you can expose your blog to as many targeted people as possible. It is hard work at first, but if you do continue your endeavours, then you could expect a steady stream of visitors each and every month. And if you manage to get 100 - 200 visitors a day, which is very possible, then you could expect at least a couple of sales a day.
It is entirely possible to make cash online using fast and easy methods. The secret is in knowing how to make money fast and easy. If you wish to cut your learning time by as much as 90%, then subscribe to an internet marketing "university" which will take you by the hand and show you how to make cash step-by-step.
Two of the most common ways to generate easy cash online are by using Google Adwords and free blogs with affiliate marketing. The difference between them is that Adwords automatically delivers traffic in copious quantities, but requires financial investment. Free affiliate marketing requires a lot more elbow grease but is, of course, completely free.
Just make a start. Don't get bogged down in theory, but don't take aimless action either. It is about finding that balance, and that is what separates the 5% of marketers who do make good cash online from the rest. I highly recommend you join a good affiliate university programme, soak up all the knowledge they give you, and then follow their plans step-by-step. The greatest way to excel at anything is to have a first-class mentor who knows exactly what they are doing.
Jack Silver went from naïve newbie to grizzled internet marketer in a matter of months. If you would like to read about Jack's journey, and the exact methods he used to rake in thousands each month, then feel free to visit his blog: ([])
Making Money in my Pyjamas []

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